Calculate max value of object field after model save


In I have this

class CarListView(ListView):
model = Car

def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
    context = super(CarListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
    context['max_price'] = Car.objects.all().aggregate(Max('price'))
    return context 

Aggregate method will be called every time user requests the page. This will add some delay to page loading. I want this max_price variable to be calculated every time admin saved new Car objects. How to do this?

Arundas R

Performance in Django is of very much importance. If you want the requirement to be implemented in ListView go for


The sql query will be

SELECT MAX("table_car"."price") AS "price__max" FROM "table__car"

Here e are not fetching all the table data and so the performance will be much better than fetching all data.

You can use



If you want to get the data when admin saves the data you can do this,


This orders the car data based on values and fetches only one entry

SQL query:

SELECT "car"."price" FROM "car" ORDER BY "car__price"."price" DESC LIMIT 1

These will reduce SQL query time and will improve performance.

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