Why is my AngularJS code not working?


Please can you help me fix this script:

var newsFeed = angular.module('newsFeed', []);

var newsFeedModule = angular.module('newsFeed');

newsFeedModule.controller('newsFeedController', function($scope) {
    $scope.posterWidth = 100;
    $scope.posterHeight = 60;



<div ng-app="newsFeed">
  <div ng-controller="newsFeedController">
    {{ 2+3 }}
    {{ posterWidth }}

I made a simple AngularJS Script that is going to display the variable and expressions as above. But the values are not being calculated. I have tried a few times and you can see the JSFiddle below.



In JSFiddle you need to to click on the JAVASCRIPT Button and need to select angular 1.4.8 in Frameworks & Extensions dropdown and then select No wrap in head option in Load type dropdown .... now it will work

enter image description here


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