C# IEnumerator is unchangable


i have a trouble with code below. What it does it builds a single line of road, one element after another.

currentLength = Random.Range(maxFloorLength - 2, maxFloorLength);
    List<GameObject> tempList = new List<GameObject>();

    for (int i = 0; i < currentLength; ++i)
        foreach (GameObject g in pooledFloor)
            if (!g.activeInHierarchy)
                g.transform.position = startPoint + buildDirection * i;
                g.transform.DOScaleY(5, 0.25f).Play();
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.05f);

While this works as expected, when i change this to:

    currentLength = Random.Range(maxFloorLength - 2, maxFloorLength);
    List<GameObject> tempList = new List<GameObject>();

    for (int i = 0; i < currentLength; ++i)
        foreach (GameObject g in pooledFloor)
            if (!g.activeInHierarchy)
                g.transform.position = startPoint + buildDirection * i;

    foreach (GameObject g in tempList)
        g.transform.DOScaleY(5, 0.25f).Play();
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.05f);

all it does is create ONE part of road (the one that should be at the end of tempList list). What i want is that script adds all the prefabs to list BEFORE doing something else with them, so i can add few thing in between. I tried to change it to void function, and calling some of this code as ienumerator, changing loop types etc. but nothing seems to work and i have no clue why is it not working. I checked with Debug.Log whether it still finds more than 1 prefab, and it does, but it only activates and scales ONE of them. I bet it's something obvious, but i just can't see it :/

How it looks:

How its working

How it should be looking:

How it should look

Forgot to mention - its all inside of IEnumerator

Umair M

In first code when you call g.SetActive(true);, in next iteration of for loop the if condition for the same object wont be true so it will evaluate for next inactive object and add it to tempList.

In second case for all iteration of for loop it keeps evaluating for same object g (the first inactive object on pooledFloor) because it is not being activated.

To achieve your expected behaviour, I would suggest you to use for-loop instead of for-each on pooledFloor and remove the object from the list if its inactive.

something like this:

for (int i = 0; i < currentLength; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < pooledFloor.Count; j++) 
        GameObject g = pooledFloor[j];
        if (!g.activeInHierarchy)
            g.transform.position = startPoint + buildDirection * i;
            pooledFloor.Remove(g);  // Removing it from list would solve the problem.

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