Apache2 Regular Expression Optional Capture Group


Need help with a problem that has been bothering me for some time!

I am attempting to create an Apache AliasMatch Regular Expression that will match a URL. The Issue I'm having is that I am using the capture groups as variables $0 $1 $2 within the file match portion. Essentially I need to capture the path/to/controller portion of the url to actually grab my file and I wish to not use any capture groups after and including the double forward slashes.


The issue Essentially is that with the following expression:


it only matches


and not:


given that the double slashes and everything trailing it is optional.

So when I make the regex expression optional by appending a ? it ruins the capture group by including the //myDesiredMVCAction portion..


It is possible to achieve what I'm after?

Wiktor Stribiżew

I believe you can use


See the regex demo

The thing is, the (.*?)(?://.*)?$ part of the pattern works in such a way that (.*?) is not tried first since it is lazily quantified with *?, and (?://.*)?$ is tried first, and when the latter does not match, the (.*?) expands, writing a character to the group value at each expansion step.

The pattern matches:

  • ^/etc/ - /etc/ after base URL
  • (xx|yy)/ - xx or yy and then a /
  • (abc|xyz)/ - an abc or xyz and a / after them
  • (.*?) - any zero or more characters, but as few as possible before the first
  • (?://.*)? - (optional group due to ? at the end) two /s followed with any characters, as many as possible up to
  • $ - the end of the string input.

Collected from the Internet

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