Testing akka actors with Kotlin and akka-testkit

Kunal Kanojia

I am trying to play around with akka and kotlin. I am using the akka java API. The Actor class works fine. But am unable to implement the testcase with Akka-testkit.

This is my testcase,

fun testWordCount() {
    object : JavaTestKit(system) {
        init {
            val masterActor = system.actorOf(Props.create(WordCountActor.WordCountMaster::class.java), "master")
            masterActor.tell(WordCountActor.StartCounting("src/main/resources/", 5), testActor)
            val wcs = expectMsgClass(JavaTestKit.duration("5 seconds"), WordCountActor.WordCountSuccess::class.java)
            object : JavaTestKit.Within(JavaTestKit.duration("5 seconds")) {
                override fun run() {
                    Assert.assertEquals(20, wcs.result.size)

I get the below error -

Error:(39, 17) Kotlin: [Internal Error] org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.CompilationException: Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Error generating constructors of class null with kind IMPLEMENTATION
Cause: Error generating constructors of class null with kind IMPLEMENTATION
File being compiled and position: (39,17) in /Users/kunalkanojia/Workspace/fun/kotlin_word_count/src/test/kotlin/WordCountActorTest.kt
PsiElement: object : JavaTestKit.Within(JavaTestKit.duration("20 seconds")) {
                override fun run() {
                    Assert.assertEquals(20, wcs.result.size.toLong())

I am new to Kotlin, what could be the problem?

Max Kammerer

It's a bug in kotlin compiler and it was fixed in 1.0.4 branch, fix avaliable within snapshot versions. For kotlin 1.0.3 you can use workaround from https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-11833

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