Veracrypt 1.24 cannot be used anymore for mounting volumes as normal user


I recently upgraded my Veracrypt under Debian Linux 10 (to newest version 1.24 hotfix 1, from 1.23).

Previously, I was able to mount the volumes as normal user. To achieve this, I followed these steps: Mount volumes as a normal user

The 1.23 version worked fine with those setting. But after the upgrade, the Veracrypt keeps asking for the "administrative privileges". I checked: the sudoers list and the groups settings are correct.

The veracrypt 1.24 prompts following window when trying to mount: Screenshot from application

What is the reason of this? Why I can't mount volumes anymore as normal user?


A sudoers entry only works if the program is called with sudo. Probably Veracrypt previously called itself with sudo and don't do so since Hotfix 1.24.

To solve your problem, you can add the "sudo" to the exec line in the /usr/share/applications/veracrypt.desktop

Exec=sudo veracrypt %f

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