LEFT Join PSQL where the AND parameter is on another table

Adrian Tan

I have a PSQL query where the AND parameter in the left join in on another table check table sample below.


 id  | account |      invoice_date       | reference | total_amount | status 
 164 |     100 | 2016-08-03 03:05:08.996 |       161 |      2000.00 |       
 165 |     100 | 2016-08-03 21:42:07.865 |       164 |            0 |       
 167 |     100 | 2016-08-03 22:56:41.731 |       166 |       100.00 |       
 168 |     100 | 1970-01-01 00:33:20     |       161 |          200 |       
 169 |     100 | 2016-08-08 00:00:00     |       161 |          200 |  


 id  | invoice | invoice_item_type | product | quantity | unit_price | reference | amount  
 143 |     164 |                 1 |       6 |          |            |       161 | 2000.00
 144 |     165 |                 1 |      11 |          |            |       164 |       0
 145 |     167 |                 1 |       8 |          |            |       166 |  100.00

There is also another table PRODUCTS but the only relevant field there is id

this is my query

select products.id, sum(invoice_items.amount) as total_revenue
from products
    left join invoice_items on invoice_items.product = products.id
    left join invoices on invoice_items.invoice = invoices.id
                      and invoices.invoice_date= current_date
group by products.id;

What i need the query to do is to list all Product ids and on the total_revenue column, put the sum of sales for the product (add 'amount' in invoice_items table where 'product' field is similar) for the current day (found on INVOICES table). But when i run this query it lists all total_amounts for the products. What am i missing?

Sample output. 8 , 6 and 11 must be empty

id  | total_revenue 
 125 |              
 154 |              
 119 |              
 129 |              
   8 |        100.00
 112 |              
   5 |              
 132 |              
 104 |              
 113 |              
 143 |              
 152 |              
 121 |              
 127 |              
 165 |              
 139 |              
 146 |              
  15 |              
   2 |              
 147 |              
 149 |              
 166 |              
 169 |              
  13 |              
 106 |              
 122 |              
   9 |              
  11 |             0
 110 |              
 120 |              
 130 |              
 155 |              
 134 |              
 136 |              
 101 |              
 168 |              
 131 |              
 157 |              
 161 |              
 103 |              
 150 |              
 159 |              
 107 |              
 108 |              
 145 |              
   4 |              
  12 |              
 158 |              
 167 |              
 138 |              
 162 |              
 100 |              
 156 |              
 163 |              
 124 |              
 123 |              
 109 |              
 153 |              
 102 |              
 105 |              
 151 |              
 116 |              
 133 |              
 140 |              
 160 |              
 148 |              
 126 |              
 141 |              
   7 |              
 118 |              
  10 |              
 164 |              
 128 |              
  14 |              
 144 |              
 135 |              
   1 |              
   6 |       2000.00
   3 |              
 137 |              
 117 |              
 142 |              
 111 |           
Simon Woolf

The date constraint is only filtering out records in the invoices table, whereas you need it to also filter out the records in the invoice_items table - but it's not doing this because both are left joins. A derived table will resolve this easily, and give the result that you want. I also added some table aliases for conciseness and readability.

Like this:

    p.id, SUM(inv.amount) AS total_revenue

    products p  LEFT JOIN 

        ii.product, i.invoice_date, ii.amount 
        invoice_items ii JOIN
        invoices i ON 
            ii.invoice = i.id) inv ON 
            inv.product = p.id AND
            inv.invoice_date= current_date

GROUP BY p.id; 

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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