How to disable packet loss prevention TCP c#

michael becker

In a attempt to use TCP for fast-paced and high packet games I would like to disable the packet loss detection of TCP(If a packet fails, it sends another) as this increases time and really isn't needed(I don't care if 1-3 packets get lost more will overwrite it in a few seconds) So how do I accomplish this using the c# programming language?

Tomas Dittmann

Use UDP instead! You can't disable it.

So I just looked for information on this question and found that disabling the retransmission is possible by the operating-system, but will result in aborting the connection - which supports my initial statement. And the side effects of this will be problematic for the whole OS.

For Windows:

There surely will be a setting for others OSs as well.

Collected from the Internet

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