Git doesnt ignore some of the files


I know that problem seems to be asked many times, but I have no clue that do.

.gitignore contains .csv, but then I tried to commit, faced really strange behavior for me:

Changes to be committed:

#   new file:   regression/qw/batch_learning.ipynb
#   new file:   regression/qw/submission.csv
#   new file:   regression/qw/test.csv
# Untracked files:
#   cm0xg0y1.s2t.txt
#   regression/qw/train.csv
#   text analyses/submission.csv

As you can see some files ignored, some not. I know problem might be related, that git "saw" that files, but if so, train.csv wont be ignored. So can I ignore that files?

Patryk Obara

.gitignore file should contain *.csv

[edit] This is explained in man page, of course - but you need to know what globbing means first ;)

man gitignore says:

(...) Otherwise, Git treats the pattern as a shell glob suitable for consumption by fnmatch(3) (...)

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