Set string as directive attribute value that maps to a member on the controller scope


So this might be hard to explain but basically I cant figure out how to evaluate an object's field value to a string that the directive will use to assign data from the scope.... I have the following template directive:

<hot-column ng-repeat="column in columns"
     source="column.lookupField"> // <-- I need this to evaluate to the **"list_currency"** (which I will set on the scope) I cant figure out how this needs to look

where my column objects are like this:

        "fieldName": "ccy1",
        "title": "Ccy1",
        "lookupField": "list_currency"
        "fieldName": "ccy2",
        "title": "Ccy2"


And in the controller i have this scope variable:

$scope.list_currency = ["USD", "EUR"];

I have tried some combinations none of which work:

source="{{column.lookupField}}" // ==> angular.js:13424 Error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token '{' invalid key at column 2 of the expression [{{column.lookupField}}] starting at [{{column.lookupField}}].

Dan King

I think your problem is that you need angular to evaluate the expression twice:

You need the "column.lookupField" expression to be evaluated first, to return "list_currency", but then you need the "list_currency" expression to be evaluated to return the actual array.

You should be able to do this by adding a getColumnSource() method to your controller - like this:

$scope.getColumnSource = function(column) {
    return $scope.$eval(column.lookupField);

Your html then looks like this:

<hot-column ng-repeat="column in columns"

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