for loop in thread runs once in Python 3


I've written a Python script to fetch certificates of a list of IP address to match a domain:

#! /usr/bin/env python3

import ssl
import socket
import argparse
from threading import Thread, Lock
from itertools import islice

class scanThread(Thread):
    def __init__(self,iplist, q, hostname, port):
        self.iplist = iplist
        self.hostname = hostname
        self.port = port
        self.queue = q

    def dummy(self,ip):
        print("Running dummy")

    def checkCert(self, ip):
        print('Processing IP: %s' % ip )
        ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
        s = ctx.wrap_socket(socket.socket(), server_hostname=self.hostname)
            s.connect((ip, self.port))
            cert = s.getpeercert()
            if cert['subjectAltName'][0][1].find(hostname) != -1:
                return ip
        except (ssl.CertificateError, ssl.SSLError):
            print('Ignore: %s' % ip)

    def run(self):
        for ip in self.iplist:
            returnIP = self.checkCert(ip)
            if returnIP:

def main(l, hostname, port):
    iplist = []
    threads = []
    hostPool = []
    with open(l,'r') as f:
        #while True:
        iplist.extend([f.readline().strip() for x in islice(f, 10000)])
        t = scanThread(iplist, hostPool, hostname, port)

    for t in threads:

    for h in hostPool:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("hostname",help="root hostname")
    parser.add_argument("-l","--list",required=True, help="IP list for scanning")
    parser.add_argument("-p","--port", nargs='?', const=443, default=443, type=int, help="port to scan")
    arg = parser.parse_args()
    main(arg.list,arg.hostname, arg.port)

I just comment out while loop in main function, thus the script creates one thread and scans 10,000 IPs.

Taking '' for example, it has numerous IP addresses worldwide:

./ -l 443.txt

Sample output:

Processing IP:

After some tests, I'm pretty sure that the for ... in loop in executed one time. Did I do something inappropriate in this snippet code?

Arun Ghosh

This might be because you are clearing the list in the main function.

    t = scanThread(iplist, hostPool, hostname, port)
    iplist.clear() // here you are clearing.

Can you try:

class scanThread(Thread):
    def __init__(self,iplist, q, hostname, port):
        self.iplist = list(iplist)

self.iplist = list(iplist) this is make a copy of the list, rather than using the list which is passed.

Collected from the Internet

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