Exporting a runnable jar, opening it returns an UnsatisfiedLinkError

I AN Lee

I currently wrote a simple GUI in Eclipse which runs as intended. I was hoping to export it so I can share it with my friend (who doesn't need to install eclipse and the java libraries). I tried all 3 library handling method Eclipse provides and none of them works. I read a little online and saw something about a manifest file, but wasn't quite sure what to do with it. Is it going to help? This is what happens when I run it in the cmd

This is where I placed the folder that comes with the .dll file. enter image description hereenter image description here This is the result. Am I doing something wrong? enter image description here


As indicated by the error messages in the first screenshot, what you are missing here is the native library - the software library written and compiled to native code specific to the operating system. What you will need to do is provide the libraries specific to the operating system on which your software will run, eg. dlls for 32 or 64 bit Windows. The manifest does not provide the capability to include those libraries.

When the program is run on Windows, Java will look for native libraries in the following locations:

  • The current directory
  • The directories in the PATH environment variable
  • The directories in java.library.path (if it's specified)

It may be easiest to simply put all files in the one directory. If you do this, you should be able to run the program in the same way as you do now.

The java.library.path option is only needed if you want to put your native library files in a directory separate to the one in which you run your program and not on your PATH. It is only in this case that you will need to add java.library.path, eg. by adding -Djava.library.path=c:\path\to\your\lib after java. Also note that you may use a relative path, ie. a path that is relative to the directory you are in when you execute the command.

I also see from your later error messages that you have another dependency, but on a java library LeapJava.jar. As running a jar with -jar will only work if you have a single jar, but because you have more than one (your own program plus the dependency), you'll instead need to use the -classpath (or -cp for short) argument and add your main class. The classpath argument is a semicolon-separated list of classpath locations, while the main class is the one containing your public static void main method, eg. your.package.name.YourMainClass. So assuming your UI.jar is still in C:\Users\Ian\Desktop\Leap Data UI, you should be able to navigate to that directory and execute with:

java -cp UI.jar;UI_lib\LeapJava.jar -Djava.library.path="UI_lib\x64" your.package.name.YourMainClass

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