Compare a byte and hexadecimal


I have a byte array which I need to traverse and based on the byte value do something. Below is my code for this.

    for (byte b:byteArray)

        if(b>=(byte)0x00 && b<=(byte)0x1F)
            //do something
        else if(b>=(byte)0x20 && b <=(byte)0xFE)
             //do something
        else if(b ==(byte)0xFF)
            //do something

My problem the byte comparison is not happening as per my expectation.

Assume the values in my byte array is {31, -117, 8, 0 , -1}, the code I have is not able to detect all negative byte values in their respective range. For ex. -117 should be between 0x20 and 0xFE , but it is not going to any of the range.

I have followed this answer to compare bytes. I cannot figure out what is wrong in the code.

Thanks in advance!


Your relations only make sense on unsigned bytes - which do not exist in Java.

Try this:

for (byte b:byteArray)
    int ib = b & 0xFF;         // This scales up to integer so you have values 0-255
    if(ib >=0x00 && ib<=0x1F)
        //do something
    else if(ib>=0x20 && ib <=0xFE)
         //do something
    else if(ib == 0xFF)
        //do something
        // log a bug! This should never happen!

In your solution -117 is 0x8B , which is in fact less than 0x20 (Dec 32), so it does not meet the 2nd path criteria b >= 0x20. In fact this creates unreachable code because no value is > 32 and <= -2.

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