For Loop in Selenium Robot Framework


I need your expertise to help me implement "for loop" in selenium robot framework. There is a variable which was converted as a set of three values. We need to verify existence of each value from this set with a table row. Can you please advice some solution. I used following for loop: ${list} is a set of following three variable ['1xxx','2xxx','3xxx']

    :FOR    ${rows}      IN     ${list}
            ${row}=      Verify Table Row Info      table_xpath     ${rows}

I thought the above code will verify one item at a time with table row values, instead it is taking entire set of values to compare with table row values.

Bryan Oakley

Use @{list} instead of ${list}:

:FOR    ${rows}      IN     @{list}
        ${row}=      Verify Table Row Info      table_xpath     ${rows}

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