Maven war plugin archiveClasses but exclude a package

Lorenzo Sciuto

My maven project contains two src packages and several dependencies. I packaged it as a war and included al dependencies like libs in WEB-INF/libs.

Now I need to include inside a jar all compiled project classes from, but I also need to exclude compiled classes contained in

I know I can use the <archiveClasses> option like:


This puts correctly the jar project inside the libs, but obviously it keeps all .class files.

I tried to perform the exclusion with some options like <packagingExcludes> or <warSourceExcludes>, but no luck with those.

Is there any option I can use paired with <archiveClasses> in order to exclude form the jar what i need?

Lorenzo Sciuto

Since it seams there isn't yet a solution like the one I was looking for, I ended up with the quick and dirty following one:

                    <delete includeemptydirs="true">
                        <fileset dir="${}/com/path/to/pachage/a" />

Doing this way the unwanted classes are deleted before they are packaged from the <archiveClasses> and they do not appear inside the jar lib.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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