detect specific ajax request (data sent) from multiple request

Ahsan Khan

i am sending multiple jquery ajax request from a single function one after one some from which respond and some might not is there any possible way to get the $_POST[parameters] send in specific request at request result i tried some code but end up with over writing issue

            url:  "ajax_files/bulk_dispatch_ajax.php",
            type: "POST",
            data: { action:value,

            beforeSend: function() {
                // counting requests
                countingRequests = countingRequests+1;


            timeout: 10000,
            complete: function(xhr, textStatus, tex) {

                // i want (specific_value) here in multiple request , this function is called multiple times, so prevent the 

chance of overwriting

                if(xhr.status != '200')

Martin Ackermann

as far as i know, there is no direct way to access the sent data. But you can hand it over to your callback function by your own, e.g. wrapping the callback into a own function, example:

function yourCustomAjaxFunction(data, callback) {
        url: getUrlFromSomewhere(),
        data: data,
        method: 'POST',
        success: createCallback(data, callback)

function createCallback(sentData, callback) {
    return function(receivedData, textStatus, jqXhr) {
        if (typeof(callback) === 'function') {
            callback(sentData, receivedData, textStatus, jqXhr);

In the example the function "yourCustomAjaxFunction" is the function mentioned ("i am sending multiple jquery ajax request from a single function"). Now you can use this as follows:

//example function which receives the sent data as well
function exampleLoggingCallback(sentData, receivedData, textStatus, jqXhr) {
    console.log('Sent data: ' + sentData);
    console.log('Received data: ' + receivedData);

//example call to your ajax function:
yourCustomAjaxFunction({foo: 'bar'}, exampleLoggingCallback);

Hope this helps.

p.S. posted examples are untested.

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