Why doesn't QTest allow const char* as a test data format?

Martin Herrmann

So I'm using Qt's QTest framework with the "data driven" approach. I can define the test data like so:

Q_DECLARE_METATYPE (const int*);

void MyTest::testSomething_data ()
    QTest::addColumn<const int*> ("rawIntegerData");
    // ...

Now I try do to the same thing with const char* instead of const int*...

Q_DECLARE_METATYPE (const char*);

void MyTest::testSomething_data ()
    QTest::addColumn<const char*> ("rawTextData");
    // ...

...and I get a failed static assertion:

const char* is not allowed as a test data format.

Turns out that QTest::addColumn explicitly rejects const char* in qtestcase.h.

I realize that QByteArray is probably a viable alternative, but I was wondering: what is the reason that const char * is not allowed here?


This is the commit message for that change:

Clarify assert on use of const char* as TestData type in tests.

Currently all C-style strings used as data types in QTest::addColumn will assert at runtime with, e.g.: "expected data of type 'const char*', got 'QString' for element 0 of data with tab 'blah'". This patch makes it clear that C-style strings are disallowed.

There are some comments in the Code Review here

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