Replace two "words" in a string using str_replace


In PHP using str_replace how is possible replace two words in a string with only one word (in my case is space and not word) ?

With javascript i used:

string.replace(/word-|-/g," ");

so i want replace this two words:


But how is possible in php ? i tried to use also

 preg_replace(array('/word-','-/')," ",$string);

but nothing :( i hope you can help me



str_replace(array('/word-', '-/'), ' ', $string);

should work for you. The /s in the JS example though are delimiters showing where the regex starts and ends. So in the PHP preg_replace you'd need to do:

preg_replace(array('~/word-~','~-/~')," ",$string);

or maybe simpler:

preg_replace('~(/word-|-/)~'), " ",$string);

Note the above matches what you've stated but not what your JS is doing.

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