listagg in SQL to group rows in to one row

Eswar Vignesh

i have a table 1 shown below

Name  role       F1     status1 status 2 
sam   player     yes      null   null
sam   admin      yes     null    null
sam   guest       no      x       x

i want the result to be

Name  role         status1 status 2 
  sam admin,player    x       x

i have done a query to list_agg the role in to one row.but the status is null for sam to show when F1='yes'

query i used

 select name,list_agg(role,',') within group(order by name),max(status1),max(status2)
from table 1 where F1='yes'
group by name 

but i get something like this

name role          status1   status2 
sam  admin,player     null      null

i want the where to work only on role column and the max(status1) to be in status1 i.e.'x'.please help me .thank you

Tim Biegeleisen

You can try using LISTAGG() within a GROUP BY query:

    LISTAGG(Role, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY Role) "Role"
    MAX(CASE WHEN water_access = 'Y' THEN 'Y' ELSE NULL END) "water_access",
    MAX(CASE WHEN food_access = 'Y'  THEN 'Y' ELSE NULL END) "food_access",
    MAX(CASE WHEN power_access = 'Y' THEN 'Y' ELSE NULL END) "power_access"
FROM yourTable

Note that I chose to order the aggregation of each Name group using the Role, because you didn't provide us with any column which could give the ordering you show in your expected output.

Second note: MAX() in Oracle ignores NULL values, so it can be used in the pivot to correctly identify the Y values you want to appear.

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