Vector push_back Array of doubles


So I got a vector of multidimensional arrays of doubles. The vector is created with this code

std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> matrix;

After this the vector is filled with the xy coordinates of points and other informations, and sorted. This is needed so I become the outer shape of a given 2d model. To close the outer shape of the model, I have to copy the informations of the first point to the end of the vector. I know, if I have a vector of vectors I could use code like this.

matrix.push_back(std::vector<double>(3, 0));
int p = matrix.size()-1;        

Since I'm using a vector of arrays, this seems to be wrong. I tried to use this code slightly modified.

matrix.push_back(std::array<double, 3>);

But here I get the error message:

class: std::array Error: type name is not allowed

I'm using VisualStudio 2012. Can somebody tell me, what I'm doing wrong?


A std::array is copyable, so if you want to copy the first item to the end just say:


As for why you're getting the error, it's because you're passing the name of a type to push_back rather than an object.

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