Python Tkinter custom themes



I want to make a GUI using Tkinter / ttk with python, the reason is because I want to learn to style GUI's.

I have tried to find information about how to style the "Entry box" not the background but the actual "insert box" but I cant find any information about how to do this and the built in themes is quite well hidden because I cant find those either..

Image demonstration:

  • Default Style

Default Style

  • How I want it

How I want it

My questions

  • Is this even possible and if so, how?
  • And is there a way to access the default themes in order to learn from them?
Stevo Mitric

The standard style applied to ttk.Entry simply doesn't take a fieldbackground option, which would be what changes the colour of the text entry field. The solution is this to create a new element that does respond to the option.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk

root_window = Tk()

estyle = ttk.Style()
estyle.element_create("plain.field", "from", "clam")
                   [('Entry.plain.field', {'children': [(
                       'Entry.background', {'children': [(
                           'Entry.padding', {'children': [(
                               'Entry.textarea', {'sticky': 'nswe'})],
                      'sticky': 'nswe'})], 'sticky': 'nswe'})],
                      'border':'2', 'sticky': 'nswe'})])

    fieldbackground="light blue")           # Set color here

entry = ttk.Entry(root_window, style="EntryStyle.TEntry")
entry.pack(padx=10, pady=10)


Collected from the Internet

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