Linear programming: Logic condition


I have a problem in writing a constraint in linear programming. I have a boolean variable c, that variable has to be 1 only if another variable (let's say x) is (for example) 5.

x is a non-negative integer.

I did:

c <= x / 5

c <= 5 / x

Unfortunately, in this way the model become non-linear. Is there a way to express that condition in a linear way?

Thank you.

Erwin Kalvelagen

In general something like:

5 - M(1-c) <= x <= 5 + M(1-c)
5.001 - Mc - Md <= x <= 4.999 + Mc + M(1-d)
c,d in {0,1}
x in [-M,M]

In practice we can often simplify this somewhat.

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