Java XML Node Inside Node Value

No Name

I have an xml like this :

   <garage garagetype="Expensive" garagename="Garage1">
      <cars cartype="faster" carname="Car4" />
      <cars cartype="faster" carname="Car5" />
      <cars cartype="slower" carname="Car6" />
   <garage garagetype = "Cheap" garagename="Garage2">
      <cars cartype="slower" carname="Car1" />
      <cars cartype="faster" carname="Car2" />
      <cars cartype="slower" carname="Car3" />

I can read garage nodes with that :

DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
URL u = new URL("xmlurl");
Document doc = builder.parse(u.openStream());

System.out.println("Root element :" + doc.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());      
NodeList NodeOzet = doc.getElementsByTagName("garage");     

for (int temp = 0; temp < NodeOzet.getLength(); temp++) 
  Node nOzet = NodeOzet.item(temp);
  System.out.println("\nCurrent Element :" + nOzet.getNodeName());

  if (nOzet.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) 
    Element eElement = (Element) nOzet;    
    System.out.println("Garage Name : " + eElement.getAttribute("garagename"));  

But I can not read garage inside cars. How can I read cars inside garage ?


Alessandro Dal Gobbo

For an Element is defined the method getAttribute("AttributeName").

If you want the name of the cars inside a garage you are doing right by creating a NodeList within all the elements by tag name "garage", then you should create a nested for loop, to get all the elements by tag name "cars" inside your garage.

    for (int temp = 0; temp < NodeOzet.getLength(); temp++){
        Node nOzet = NodeOzet.item(temp);
        NodeList carList = eElement.getElementsByTagName("cars")
        String cars = "";
        for(int temp2 = 0; temp2 < carList.getLength(); temp2++){
             cars += ((Element)carList.item(temp2)).getAttribute("carname") + "\t";

Like this for each garage you get all the cars inside the garage, and their names

Collected from the Internet

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