Remove last two characters from column names of all the columns in Dataframe - Pandas


I am joining the two dataframes (a,b) with identical columns / column names using the user ID key and while joining, I had to give suffix characters, in order for it to get created. The following is the command I used,

a.join(b,how='inner', on='userId',lsuffix="_1")

If I dont use this suffix, I am getting error. But I dont want the column names to change because, that is causing a problem while running other analysis. So I want to remove this "_1" character from all the column names of the resulting dataframe. Can anybody suggest me an efficient way to remove last two characters of names of all the columns in the Pandas dataframe?



This snippet should get the job done :

df.columns = pd.Index(map(lambda x : str(x)[:-2], df.columns))

Edit : This is a better way to do it

df.rename(columns = lambda x : str(x)[:-2])

In both cases, all we're doing is iterating through the columns and apply some function. In this case, the function converts something into a string and takes everything up until the last two characters.

I'm sure there are a few other ways you could do this.

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