Excel: Search multiple columns for multiple words

Timothy Lukas H.

I have a big list of movies, each one has 1-8 keywords in 8 diffrent columns (Key1-Keyw8).

I now need to sort through all movies for movies which have let's say 3 keywords.

Example: I want to find all movies with the keywords: Water, Ship, Clouds.

Now every film that has all those 3 keywords should be displayed. The keywords can be in any column.

I found out that I can do filters like this with advanced filter, but I now have a problem with how they work.

If I put a word in the first column, it will only search if the Keyw1 contains the word: Keyw1 is searched

I then thought I could simply make multiple searches: Keyword copyed to every column

This kinda works, it gives me some results. But it also leaves some rows out: Some rows where found.

But some fell through: Row 2 contains the keyword, but did not get displayed

Row 2 contains the keyword, but did not get displayed.

Even if this would work, if I want to search for 8 keywords, I would need to duplicate the word 40'000 times to find all results.

What am I doing wrong? Or how else could I do it?

Ron Rosenfeld

If you are going to look for so many keywords, you need a different strategy. You can modify below for any number of keywords to be found at the same time

I would set up a Helper column, with a formula that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE, and then filter on that.

For example:

  • KeyWords is a Named Range referring to $G$2:$G$3

enter image description here

  • In the table below:

enter image description here

E2 (FilterCol): =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(KeyWords,A2:D2,0)))=COUNTA(KeyWords)

  • Fill Down and then filter on TRUE

enter image description here

You can certainly Hide the FilterCol, or put it somewhere distant on the worksheet where it won't be seen

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