SQL using minus function to eliminate rows from specific columns but returning all columns from table


I'm trying to return all columns in a database where certain rows within certain columns have been eliminate. Is there any possible way to do this? I tried using code like this but I'm unsure what I am missing to make this work

Select * from table1
where (select column1 from table1
minus select column1 from table2);

You can do this with a WHERE NOT EXISTS:

Select  T1.*
From    Table1  T1
Where Not Exists
    Select  *
    From    Table2  T2
    Where   T2.Column1 = T1.Column1

Alternatively, you could use a LEFT OUTER JOIN:

Select      T1.*
From        Table1  T1
Left Join   Table2  T2  On  T2.Column1 = T1.Column1
Where       T2.Column1 Is Null

Or even a WHERE NOT IN:

Select  *
From    Table1
Where   Column1 Not In 
    Select  Column1
    From    Table2

I would recommend the WHERE NOT EXISTS approach, but to fix the query you have in the question, you just need to add a WHERE IN:

Select  *
From    Table1
Where   Column1 In 
    Select  Column1
    From    Table1
    Select  Column1
    From    Table2

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