Problems with Packages, modules and functions


I am having diificulty importing a module that i've created in package.

here is my code :

import test.addition._addition 
import test.subtraction._subtraction 
import test.multiplication._multiplication 

class calcul:

    def addition(self, a, b):

        self.c = _addition(a,b)
        print self.c

    def subtraction (self, a,b):

        self.c = _subtraction(a, b)
        print self.c

    def multiplication (self, a, b):

        self.c =_multiplication (a, b)
        print self.c

As you noticed from the first 3 lines of the code, I've stored the module _addition in a folder called addition and again I stored the addition folder in a folder called test. It is the same for subtraction and multiplication. In each folder, I've created a module __init__ to make sure that it is declared as a packages.

To be even more clearer, below is the code in the module _addition

def _sous_addition(a,b):
    return float(a) + float(b)

The problem is that python told me that :

global name '_addition' is not defined


When writing import test.addition._addition, then the name that is available in your local scope is test, and you can access the _addition function using test.addition._addition. You need to use its full name.

If you want to import the function with the name _addition into the local scope, you need to write either of these things:

from test.addition import _addition
import test.addition._addition as _addition

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