nested list in comp


I am trying to modify my list from [a, (a s b), ( a s b s c), a] to [[a], [a, b], [a,b,c], [a]]

I tried sth like that:

:- op(300, xfy, s).

lol([], List).
lol([X|T], List) :-
    X \=(A s B),
    lol(T, [[X]|List]).
lol([X s P|T], List) :-
    lol([P|T], [[X]|List]). 

but this makes:

lol([], [[a], [b], [c], [d], [e]|_G4165]
Paulo Moura

Your base case is not correct as it leaves the tail of the constructed list unbound. It should be:

lol([], []).

The recursive cases can also be fixed as:

lol([X| Xs], [[X]| Tail]) :-
    X \= s(_, _),
    lol(Xs, Tail).

lol([X s P| Xs], [[X| Ps]| Tail]) :-
    lol([P| Xs], [Ps| Tail]).

With these changes we get:

?- lol([a, (a s b), ( a s b s c), a], List).
List = [[a], [a, b], [a, b, c], [a]] .

To avoid spurious choice points you can either add a cut in the first recursive case:

lol([X| Xs], [[X]| Tail]) :-
    X \= s(_, _),
    lol(Xs, Tail).

Or combine the two recursive cases using an if-then-else control construct (left as an exercise).

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