Minimizing Realm File Size: Practical approach


I have a Realm db which is written to asynchronously, and the file size seems to grow exponentially during an initial load from a Rest API. It continues to grow after I have finished writing to it, topping out at 1.5GB.

Using a writeCopyToPath, the underlying data is 1.5 Mb.

Below is my insert command:

dispatch_async(dispatch_queue_create("background", nil)) {
let realm = try! Realm()
let this_activity = DataManager().getExerciseById(activity_id)
if this_activity != nil {
for (_, subJson) in data_ball["mapPoints"] {
    let  map_point = MapPoint(this_activity:this_activity!, json: subJson)
    try! realm.write {

To query I have a data manager which is instantiated by each ViewController (but not held on to after it returns with data). The Data Manager has query methods like this:

func getSegments(activity_id:String) -> [Dictionary<String, AnyObject>]{
    var intervals:[Dictionary<String, AnyObject>] = []
    let realm = try! Realm()
    let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "id == %@", activity_id)
    let intervals = realm.objects(Segment).filter(predicate).sorted("startTime", ascending: true)
    for interval in intervals {
    return intervals

These queries and insert operations can happen during the same time period. What strategies should I use to stop it from growing like this?


It's likely you're holding a reference to an older version of the data, preventing it from being reclaimed. Take a look at the File size & tracking of intermediate versions section of Realm's documentation for more information.

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