SQL Server 2012 - Update column based on formula


I have a table data like this:

RowNo   Type   Formula      Amount
  01     0                   3000
  02     0                   2000
  03     0                   1000
  04     1     01+02-03     

I'm trying to find a way to update the amount of the last row by formula based on value of previous rows.

The result should be like:

RowNo   Type   Formula      Amount
  01     0                   3000
  02     0                   2000
  03     0                   1000
  04     1     01+02-03      4000

Could you please suggest some solution? Thanks in advance!


Using Jeff Moden's CSV splitter DelimitedSplit8K

-- Setup table for testing
declare @tbl table
    RowNo   varchar(2),
    Type    int,
    Formula varchar(10),
    Amount  int
-- sample data
insert into @tbl select '01', 0, NULL, 3000
insert into @tbl select '02', 0, NULL, 2000
insert into @tbl select '03', 0, NULL, 1000
insert into @tbl select '04', 1, '01+02-03', NULL
insert into @tbl select '05', 1, '01-02+03', NULL

-- Query
select  *
from    @tbl t
    cross apply 
        select  Amt = sum (i.Amount * f.Opr)
            select  ItemNumber, 
                Item = replace(replace(Item, '+', ''), '-', ''),
                Opr  = case when charindex('-', Item) > 0 then -1 else 1 end
            from    dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(replace(replace(Formula, '+', ',+'), '-', ',-'), ',') 
        ) f
        inner join @tbl i   on  f.Item  = i.RowNo
    ) a
where   t.Type  = 1

/* Result : 
RowNo Type        Formula    Amount      Amt
----- ----------- ---------- ----------- -----------
04    1           01+02-03   NULL        4000
05    1           01-02+03   NULL        2000

(2 row(s) affected)

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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