Create a list from another list with R


I have a list of letters l

[1] a b c
[2] b c a b

and a vector v of letter too

[1] a
[2] b

My object is to take the letters of the vector v one by one and creating a new list that contains all the letter appearing after that letter. For example I take the first letter of v "a" and I create the list of letter appearing after "a" , And I got this :

[1] b c
[2] b

After i take the second letter or v which is "b" and I add to the list :

[3] c   
[4] c a b

So the final result is :

[1] b c
[2] b
[3] c   
[4] c a b

I don't know how to do this, it seems complicated.

I have also a list of vector with this format

[1] a
[2] b 
[3] c
[1] e
[2] g

A nested lapply:

lapply(v, function(v, l) lapply(l, function(x, v) {
  if (!(v %in% x)) return(x) #the case of no match
  x[-seq_len(which.max(x == v))]
}, v = v), l = l)
#[1] "b" "c"
#[1] "b"
#[1] "c"
#[1] "c" "a" "b"

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