How do i detect collision between 2 rectangles??? LIBGDX


So I have this problem that the Rectangle.overlaps isn't working for some reason or I don't know. All this does is it draws a jet (MyActor) and a bullet Actor and on touch it makes the bullet move towards the blue enemy Actor and i want it to System.out.println("touched"); if bullet hits the enemy.

I'll just paste the whole code.

public class MyGdxGame implements ApplicationListener{

private Texture texture;
private Texture bulletTexture;
private Texture enemyTexture;
private MyActor myActor;
private BulletActor bulletActor;
private EnemyActor enemyActor;
private Stage stage;
private BackGroundActor backGroundActor;

private Rectangle bulletRectangle;

private Rectangle enemyRectangle;
float X=500,Y =600;

float bulletX = X, bulletY = Y+43;
float enemyX =0, enemyY = 615;
boolean started;
int touched = 0;

public class EnemyActor extends Actor{

    public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) {

    public void act(float delta) {

public class BackGroundActor extends Actor{
    public BackGroundActor() {
        addListener(new InputListener(){
            public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
                started = true;
                return true;

public class MyActor extends Actor{
    public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) {

public class BulletActor extends Actor{

    public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) {

    public void act(float delta) {
        if(started) {
            bulletX -= 3;
public void create() {

    texture = new Texture("C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\LibGdxMainProjects\\SampleGame1\\android\\assets\\0001.png");
    bulletTexture = new Texture("C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\LibGdxMainProjects\\SampleGame1\\android\\assets\\bullet.png");
    enemyTexture = new Texture("C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\LibGdxMainProjects\\SampleGame1\\android\\assets\\fuel.png");

    bulletRectangle = new Rectangle(bulletX,bulletY,bulletTexture.getWidth(),bulletTexture.getHeight());
    enemyRectangle = new Rectangle(enemyX,enemyY,enemyTexture.getWidth(),enemyTexture.getHeight());

    stage = new Stage();
    myActor = new MyActor();
    enemyActor = new EnemyActor();
    bulletActor = new BulletActor();
    backGroundActor = new BackGroundActor();




public void dispose() {

public void render() {, 1, 1, 1);;

        System.out.println("HIT I SAY");


public void resize ( int width, int height){


public void pause () {


public void resume () {




The issue here is that the bulletRectangle is not updated with the new position of the bullet, bulletX is not directly linked to bulletRectangle.

You could do

if(started) {
    bulletX -= 3;

You might want also to update the other rectangle with the proper position of the enemy

Collected from the Internet

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