simple rails search form not working


I have a very simple, typical search form in rails. Input a string, and it checks a column for that model if any strings match it. A few weeks ago it was working just fine. I came back today, and suddenly doesn't work.

Here is my code. My search form:

<%= form_tag("/search/products", method: "get") do %>
  <%= label_tag(:q, "Search for:") %>
  <%= text_field_tag(:q) %>
  <%= submit_tag("Search") %>
<% end %>

My Controller:

def search
 term = params[:q]
 puts "the term is #{term}"
 @resultats = Product.search_products(term)

In my model, the search_products method:

  def self.search_products(search_term)
    if search_term == ""
        return []
        where("name LIKE ?", "%#{search_term}")

in the controller code, the puts "the term is #{term} prints the correct term every time. So I know that is being picked up correctly. just, when i search for something, it doesn't return the correct results. Here is a screenshot from my terminal:

enter image description here

"Les résultats sont" in the terminal means "the results are..." and then empty, because it returns nothing. What could be wrong here?

Shadow Radiance

Your code currently searches for LIKE '%term' (string must end in term)

You probably need to have it search for LIKE '%term%' (string must contain term)

Just add a %:

where("name LIKE ?", "%#{search_term}%")

Collected from the Internet

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