php get amount of time since last login in seconds, minutes or hours


I want to get the amount of time since a user logged in.


$sql = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE username = '$user'" ;
$result = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$lastOnline = $row["lastOnline"];    
if ($lastOnline >= $time-60 or $lastOnline == $time){
  $lastOnline = "Now";
} else if ($lastOnline >= $time-3600){
  $lastOnline = date('i', $lastOnline-$time)." minutes ago";
} else if ($lastOnline >= $time-86400){
  $lastOnline = date('G', $lastOnline-$time)." hours ago";
} else if ($lastOnline >= $time-604800){
  $lastOnline = date('j', $lastOnline-$time)." days ago";

The hours seem to work but not the minutes. It seems to show the opposite.

Hanky Panky

Your calculation is invalid, at least for the minutes case.

$lastOnline = date('i', $lastOnline-$time)." minutes ago";

That will always return a Negative timestamp value because lastOnline is in the past and time is the current time(). It should be otherwise

$lastOnline = date('i', $time-$lastOnline)." minutes ago";



$lastOnline = date('i', $time-$lastOnline)." minutes ago";
echo $lastOnline;


10 minutes ago

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