Jquery select option

Jordan Heuten

I'm quite new to jQuery and was wondering how i could select an options in a dropdown select menu.

To be more specific: You can select a color in the dropdown menu and when you click on the button the background color changes to that color.

Thanks in advance!

Here's the HTML:

    <div id="form-box">
        <h1>Funky Background Color Changer</h1>
        <p>1. Choose a funky background color:
            <select name="bgColor" id="">
                <option value="$juicy-cyan">Juicy Cyan</option>
                <option value="$purdy-purple">Purdy Purple</option>
        <p>2. That's it actually! Just click the button.</p><br>
        <button class="funk">Let's Funk!</button>

Add an ID to your h1 and your colors (Hex values) on the values of the selected list for example, then set the brackground when the button it's clicked:


<div id="form-box">
        <h1 id="h1_id">Funky Background Color Changer</h1>
        <p>1. Choose a funky background color:
            <select name="bgColor" id="bgColor_id">
                <option value="#ff0000">Juicy Cyan</option>
                <option value="#0066ff">Purdy Purple</option>
        <p>2. That's it actually! Just click the button.</p><br>
        <button class="funk" id="submitButton">Let's Funk!</button>


$('#submitButton').on('click', function () {
    var color = $("#bgColor_id").val();
    $("#h1_id").css('background-color', color);

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