certain seaborn plot colors not displaying on projector


I often have to present my data analyses in meetings where we either use a projector or a large TV monitor, an example plot might look like this (generated with seaborn):

enter image description here

I've noticed that often times, certain colors will not show very well (if at all) on these displays, whereas it shows just find on my computer monitor. For example, in this example, the gray background will not show at all.

Is there another set of colors I can use that are "safe" to use with projectors and TV monitors?


I guess the problem is caused by bad contrasts or dynamic ranges of cheap projectors. By default, seaborn uses somewhat muted low-contrast color schemes because these are nicer to the eye.

You can use the function seaborn.set_palette to change the colors used.

The seaborn documentation has a nice page about color palettes that explains how to create different color schemes.

For example, seaborn.set_palette(seaborn.hls_palette(8, l=.3, s=.8)) gives 8 rather dark colors (lightness 0.3) that I believe will work well with projectors: colors

P.S. There is also a dark variant of the default six-color palette in seaborn. I have not tried, but I think it can be set by seaborn.set_palette('dark')

P.P.S. These color palettes have no effect on the background, though. This answer may help out there.

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