Redirect STDOUT of cronjobs

Master Azazel

I have an Ubuntu 14.04 virtual private server.

There are a few cronjobs defined:

00 03 * * * cd /root && ./
00 04 * * * sudo -u www-data php /var/www/dir/htdocs/bin/indexer.php
00 05 * * * cd /root && ./

Now the sysadmin receives an email for every cronjob that's executed, even on success. Note that I have a postfix running on the same machine and there is no MAILTO="" in the crontab.

The goal is to only receive an email when the script has an exit value other than 0.

If I add 1>/dev/null to every line, will my standard out be redirected? Will the behavior for standard error stay the same otherwise?


If i add 1>/dev/null to every line, will my standard out be redirected?

Yes, to /dev/null. In effect, the STDOUT will be discarded and hence no mail will be sent for STDOUT.

Will the behavior for standard error stay the same otherwise?

Yes; just to note, if you need to redirect STDERR, you need to use file descriptor 2, for example, redirecting to /dev/null (i.e. discarding the STDERR): ... 2>/dev/null.

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