Flask: Execute time taking python script and direct the user to another page

Apoorva Srivastava

I am building a flask application that prompts a user for his/her email and an input file. When the user enters them both, I run a script on this input file. Now this script takes a good amount of time to execute. I want to mail the result of this script evaluation to the user. However my page freezes for as long as the script is executing. I want my user to be able to go to another page displaying that his response has been submitted for processing and he shall be mailed it in a while, rather than him being stuck on the page for as long as the script executes. Any leads would be appreciated

Apoorva Srivastava

I ultimately used the Threading module made available in python, the implementation was quite simple, to generate a new thread that would take care of rendering the redirected page and the main thread would execute my script. If anybody needs it,

class Mythread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.h = i
        self.params = params
    def run(self):
        # do expensive work, your time taking script

and i would call it as:

thread1 = Mythread(1, params)
return open('redirectpage.html')

This way my page wouldn't hang as long as the script runs

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