What can be reason for getting "execute permission denied" in cronjob in UNIX?


I have a shellscript which can be successfully executed in UNIX with command sh Shell_script.sh; but I want it to run automatically. So I just configured a cronjob to run the script using crontab -e.

The cronjob added is below:

0 7-23 * * * * /home/folder1/folder2/Shell_script.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

I want it to be executed hourly from 7AM to 11PM every day.

My shell script has a she-bang #!/bin/bash. I am getting a mail every hour with the content:

Your "cron" job on servername * /home/folder1/folder2/Shell_script.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

produced the following output:

sh: +61: execute permission denied


You have extra * in your cron line which is interpreting as Username. Once you delete it it will be fine executed.

also consider if your Shell_script.sh is not executable, you need run with sh (if it's written in sh) or bash if it's bash written.

0 7-23 * * * bash /home/folder1/folder2/Shell_script.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

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