How can i update the midpoint in my code?

ronald reagan
    char higher = 'h';
    char lower = 'l';
    guess = getMidpoint(min,max);
    char respons = getUserResponseToGuess(guess);

    if(respons == 'c'){
        looper = false;

    else if(respons == higher)
        min = min + 1;
    else if(respons == lower)
        max = min - 1;

public static int getMidpoint(int low, int high)
    int midpoint;
    midpoint = (high + low) / 2;
    return midpoint;        

So basically this is a guessing game that uses binary search, and the getMidpoint method gets the mid of the two numbers, min is 1 and max is 100. h stands for high and l stands for lower and c stands for correct. I have everything correct but the guess keeps coming out weird, like it give me random numbers. How can i update the max and min so it comes out correct? Hopefully i worded this right.

else if(respons == higher)
    min = min + 1;
else if(respons == lower)
    max = min - 1;

This part is strange. If the guess should be higher, you should do min = midpoint + 1 instead of only increasing min by 1. And when it should be lower, you should do max = midpoint - 1.

You haven't shown the implementation of getMidpoint(), so I'm not sure whether guess could be used as the new min/max or not.

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