Using Scanner to find letter

Eric W

What I'm trying to do here is have a user input a sentence or some type of string, then have the scanner search through the string to determine if there is an "e" or "E" in there. If the scanner finds either one of those it will replace them with "xyz." If they are not present then it should return "All is good!" The code I have thus far is:

public class Example {
    String userInput;

    Scanner in = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Please write a sentence.");
    userInput = in.nextLine();



As I think you can tell this really just prints the same line twice, once removing a lower case e and the other removing a capital E. I was looking for a way to combine the two replacements and then have it replace and print if it finds an e or just print "All is good!" if there are no "e"s.

Alexey Romanov

This isn't related to Scanner at all really. Trivial approach:

String replaced = userInput.replace("e","xyz").replace("E","xyz");
String out = replaced.equals(userInput) ? "All is good!" : replaced;

Or use replaceAll:

Pattern eE = Pattern.compile("[eE]");
String replaced = eE.matcher(userInput).replaceAll("xyz");

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