How to inject ApplicationScoped bean in Stateless bean?


I have Stateless bean that calls asynchronous operation. I would like to inject to this bean my another bean, which stores (or rather should store) running process status. Here is my code:


public class Processor {

    public void runLongOperation() {
        System.out.println("Operation started");
        try {
            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
                //Status update goes here...
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        System.out.println("Operation finished");



@ManagedBean(eager = true, name="ph")
public class ProcessorHandler implements RemoteInterface {

    public String status;

    private Processor processor;

    public void init(){
        status = "Initialized";

    public void process() {

    public String getStatus() {
        return status;


Process method of ProcessHandler is bound to a button. I would like to modify status of ProcessHandler bean from inside of Processor, so I can display updated status to user.

I tried to use @Inject, @ManagedProperty and @EJB annotations, but without success.

I'm testing my soulution on Websphere v8.5 developed using Eclipse EE.

When added inject to Processor class...

public ProcessorHandler ph;

I got error:

The @Inject reference of type ProcessorHandler for the <null> component in the Processor.war module of the ProcessorEAR application cannot be resolved.

You should never have any client-specific artifacts (JSF, JAX-RS, JSP/Servlet, etc) in your service layer (EJB). It makes the service layer unreusable across different clients/front-ends.

Simply move private String status field into the EJB as it's actually the one responsible for managing it.

@ManagedBean(eager = true, name="ph")
public class ProcessorHandler implements RemoteInterface {

    private Processor processor;

    public void process() {

    public String getStatus() {
        return processor.getStatus();


Note that this won't work on a @Stateless, but on @Singleton or Stateful only for the obvious reasons.

Collected from the Internet

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