comparing a list of tuples python


I have a list of tuples in python of the form [(word, sym) , (word, sym)....].

Let's assume the symbol is either A or B. I want to return all words for which the list contains two tuples of the form ("example", A) and ("example", B). So basically one word paired with BOTH A and B. I'm assuming this can be done using list comprehension. I can do this to get all words where the symbol is A:

[x[0] for x in self.list if x[1] == "A"]

and in a similar fashion obtain the list of words where the symbol is B however, I'm not sure how to compare the two lists.

Would I simply use if word in listA and word in listB?


Assuming order is unimportant, this is a great use case for set intersections:

setA = {word for word, sym in self.list if sym == "A"}
setB = {word for word, sym in self.list if sym == "B"}

AB_words = setA & setB  # Preserves only those words found in both input sets

Then if you need to test if any given word is a common word, it's a trivial set membership test:

if word in AB_words:

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