Sunspot. Solr not searching any changes (create/update)

Alexander Shlenchack

I'm using sunspot_rails '~> 2.2' (Solr 5.3.1 1703449). When I create/update models I cannot find new changes and Solr admin panel for the target core doesn't show changes in Last Modified. But if I restart Solr directly I will be able to find by new changes and field Last Modified will also change.

How to fix it?


From the readme:

If you make a change to the object's "schema" (code in the searchable block), you must reindex all objects so the changes are reflected in Solr:

bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:reindex

Also, according to this and this, Sunspot.commit which updates the Solr index is not automatically called if you're updating a model outside of a Rails request (for example, from the Rails console). You can manually call Sunspot.commit from the console to commit the changes to Solr.

Exectuting bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:reindex will also commit your changes.

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