How do I replace characters in a string using a character map?


Code purpose:

I provide a string and match it with dictionary keys; if the key and string match I print the dictionary values.

Here's the code:

def to_rna(dna_input):
    dna_rna = {'A':'U', 'C':'G', 'G':'C', 'T':'A'}
    rna = []
    for key in dna_rna.iterkeys():
        if key in dna_input:
    print "".join(rna)

to_rna("ACGTGGTCTTAA") #the string input


The result should be 'UGCACCAGAAUU' but all I get is 'UGAC'. The problem appears to be that I have duplicate characters in the string and the loop is ignoring this. How do I loop through the dictionary so that it returns the dictionary value as many times as the dict key is found?


If you want to output a character for every character in dna_input you need to iterate over character in dna_input. Note that the get() function provides a default for characters that aren't in your dictionary. I am replacing with nothing, if desired you could put an n here, or an X.

rna.append(dna_rna.get(char, 'n'))

Your code was only iterating over the 4 entries in the dna_rna dictionary.

def to_rna(dna_input):
    dna_rna = {'A':'U', 'C':'G', 'G':'C', 'T':'A'}
    rna = []
    for char in dna_input:
        rna.append(dna_rna.get(char, ''))
    print "".join(rna)

to_rna("ACGTGGTCTTAA") #the string input

However, this isn't the most efficient way to translate a string.

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