Separating a text document by specific lines of text using python


I'm writing a python function to take a chunk of text, parsed from a text file using f.readlines and split this chunk of text into a list. The text contains dividers and I want to split this text specifically at these locations. Below is an example of the text file in question.

@model:2.4.0=Skeleton "Skeleton"
 Cell=1.0 "Cell"
 Cell:[A]=100.0 "A"
 Cell:[B]=1.0 "B"
 Cell:[C]=0.0 "C"
 Cell:[D]=0.0 "D"
km = 146
v2_k = 88
@r=v1 "v1"
 A -> C : B
 Cell * kcat * B * A / (km + A) 
@r=v2 "v2"
 C -> C+D
 Cell * v2_k * C

My desired output is to have a python dictionary that has the name of the dividers as keys and all the content between that divider and the next as values. For example, the first element of the sections dictionary should be:

sections['@model']=:2.4.0=Skeleton "Skeleton"

Current Code

def split_sections(SBshorthand_file):
    Takes a SBshorthand file and returns a dictionary of each of the sections. 
    Keys of the dictionary are the dividers.
    Values of dictionary are the content between dividers. 
    SBfile=parse_SBshorthand_read(SBshorthand_file) #simple parsing function. uses
    dividers=["@model", "@units", "@compartments", "@species", "@parameters", "@rules", "@reactions", "@events"]
    for i in  dividers:
        if re.findall(pattern,SBfile) == []:
#            print 'Section \'{}\' not present in {}'.format(i,SBshorthand_file)
            print SBfile2

This however does not do what I want. Would anybody have any ideas how to fix my code? Thanks


Please note that the section '@reactions' contains a number of 'reactions' all of which start with @r, but they all need to be grouped under the reactions key.

import re

x="""@model:2.4.0=Skeleton "Skeleton"
Cell=1.0 "Cell"
Cell:[A]=100.0 "A"
Cell:[B]=1.0 "B"
Cell:[C]=0.0 "C"
Cell:[D]=0.0 "D"
km = 146
v2_k = 88
@r=v1 "v1"
A -> C : B
Cell * kcat * B * A / (km + A)
@r=v2 "v2"
C -> C+D
Cell * v2_k * C"""

print dict(re.findall(r"(?:^|(?<=\n))(@\w+)([\s\S]*?)(?=\n@(?!r\b)\w+|$)",x))

You can directly use re.findall and get what you want.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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