template argument deduction of return type in function template

Tobias Hermann

Given the following minimal example:

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <vector>

template<typename ContainerOut, typename X, typename Y, typename ContainerIn>
ContainerOut Map( const ContainerIn& xs, const std::function<Y( const X& )>& f )
    ContainerOut ys;
    std::transform( begin( xs ), end( xs ), std::inserter( ys, end( ys ) ), f );
    return ys;

struct Foo {
    Foo( int val ) : val_( val ) {}
    int val_;

std::set<int> FooValsToIntSet( const std::list<Foo>& foos )
    //Map<std::set<int>, Foo, int>
    return Map( foos, []( const Foo& foo )
        return foo.val_;
    } );

int main()
    std::list<Foo> foos = { 1, 2, 2, 3 };
    std::set<int> vals = FooValsToIntSet( foos );
    for ( auto& v : vals )
        std::cout << v << std::endl;

The line

return Map( foos, []( const Foo& foo )

is not accepted by the compilers I tested.

It works if I write out the template arguments explicitly instead:

return Map<std::set<int>, Foo, int>( foos, []( const Foo& foo )

But I do not understand why this is necessary. Is there a way to avoid this verbosity?


Well, the compiler has no way of deducing the ContainerOut type - the return type doesn't participate in type deduction. However, you could let the compiler deduce everything except the return type. Just as a side note, at least in this case, there is no reason to use std::function - it's just adding unnecessary overhead.

This would be better:

template<typename ContainerOut, typename ContainerIn, typename F>
ContainerOut Map( const ContainerIn& xs, F&& f )
    ContainerOut ys;
    std::transform( begin( xs ), end( xs ), std::inserter( ys, end( ys ) ), f );
    return ys;

and then you can call it as

return Map<std::set<int>>( foos, []( const Foo& foo )
    return foo.val_;
} );

Collected from the Internet

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