In Spring MongoDB group by one column and get sum of another two field


I have a feed collection with sample data like :

"_id" : ObjectId("55deb33dcb9be727e8356289"),
"userName" : "John",
"likeCount" : 2,
"commentCount" : 10,
"_id" : ObjectId("55deb33dcb3456e33434d456"),
"channelName" : "Mark",
"likeCount" : 5,
"commentCount" : 10,
"_id" : ObjectId("55acd3434324acd3e4567567"),
"userName" : "John",
"likeCount" : 12,
"commentCount" : 15,

I want to get all the records with group by "userName" and sum of "likeCount" + "commentCout". In Mysql we use :

select userName,sum(likeCount)+sum(commentCount) as "totalCount"  from feed group by userName

How can I write the aggregation for above query?


I believe this can be achieved by adding an extra field that adds the likeCount and commentCount fields in the $project stage, then do the sum operation on that field for documents grouped by the userName key. Something like this in mongo query:

        "$project": {
            "userName": 1,
            "sumLikeAndCommentCounts": {
                "$add": [ "$likeCount", "$commentCount" ]
        "$group": {
            "_id": "$userName",
            "totalCount": {
                "$sum": "$sumLikeAndCommentCounts"


you just have one pipeline step $group where you can plug in the addition operation as an expression for the $sum:

        "$group": {
            "_id": "$userName",
            "totalCount": {
                "$sum": {
                    "$add": [ "$likeCount", "$commentCount" ]

Both of the above operation pipelines will yield the result (for the given sample data):

{ "_id" : null, "totalCount" : 15 }
{ "_id" : "John", "totalCount" : 39 }

The Spring Data MongoDB aggregation equivalent is based on the first example, with an option of using the SpEL andExpression in the projection operation:

Aggregation agg = Aggregation.newAggregation( 
    project("id", "userName") 
        //.andExpression("likeCount + commentCount").as("sumLikeAndCommentCounts"), <-- or use expressions
AggregationResults<FeedsTotal> result = 
mongos.aggregate(agg, this.getCollectionName(), FeedsTotal.class);

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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