Query parent relation when querying for child records


Tech specs: ruby 2.1.5p273, Rails 4.2.3.

I need to pull a list of child records, based on it's own parameters and it's parent's parameters.

Child = Video

Parent = Player

The "date" attribute belongs to Video, the "org_id" belongs to Player.

I tried:

@videos = Video.where(date: start_date..end_date).includes(:player_page).
where(org_id: org_id)

but I get:

Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'videos.org_id' in 'where clause': SELECT `videos`...

basically, the second where clause is querying Videos, not Players.

To sum up: my intention is to query a set of Video records that fit within a date range and also match its parent's org_id. Thanks in advance for any help.

Sergei Stralenia

Try this:

@videos = Video.where(date: start_date..end_date).includes(:player_page).
where(player_page: { org_id: org_id })

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