Converting an int to a Char c#?


I want to be able to Read a value from the operator M/F for male or female and return seperate blocks of text for each respective entry.

Char gender;
int TempValue;
Console.WriteLine("Please enter your name");
String name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine(" Greetings, faire travler {0} you are about to depart on a rather exciting adventure, but first are you male or female?", name);

TempValue = Console.Read();
Console.WriteLine("{0}", TempValue);
gender = Char.Parse(TempValue);

Now i get an error saying I "cannot convert from 'INT' to 'string' which I really dont understand. Becuase im trying to parse it into a char not a string.


Console.Read() returns the ascii value of the character you entered. (In case of 'M' it's 77) char.Parse(TempValue) expects TempValue to be a string and that it contains exactly one character. So, this is what you would use to convert the string "M" to the character 'M'. But you don't have the string "M"; you have the int 77.
In this case, you can simply cast it:

char gender = (char)TempValue;

Alternatively, you can use Console.ReadLine(), which returns a string and then take the first character:

string input = Console.ReadLine();
char gender = input[0];

Collected from the Internet

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